Codice Etico

The phenomenon of globalization has completely changed the areas of action of every single company. The increase in competition, instead of being based on positive factors (better corporate organization, greater innovation…), has resulted in a real price “war” dictated above all by the lower cost of labor in developing countries and connected to the lack of protection of the environment and workers’ rights.
For those who believe in the company as a bearer of “global” wealth and not only as an instrument of profit, respectful of the principles of ethics understood in its broadest meaning, it is essential to respect reference parameters capable of guaranteeing the real compliance with these principles.
MediaKroton believes that the pursuit of competitiveness should not be based exclusively on cost containment to the detriment of human and social values, which is why it has set itself the goal of adopting a Code of Ethics of behavior in compliance with the highest moral values ​​inside and outside the company.
The Media Kroton Code of Ethics is prepared to guarantee the Client who decides to entrust us with the development of their projects to achieve the set objectives, which Media Kroton must pursue with the professionalism of a team of people trained at the highest levels and who come from of multinational companies.
The reference Code of Ethics is part of the organisation, management and control model of Media Kroton S.r.l.